We are a Church that seeks to welcome everyone, We are an inclusive Church which means we are all welcome, whatever our gender, race or sexual orientation and with whatever needs we have. We are also a Recovery Friendly Churchcommitted to supporting one another in our mental health and well-being. Being a welcoming Church sometimes that means adapting what we do in order to meet people's needs. We are happy to do that, so if you or your family have specific needs please let us know.
Our hope is that St Matthew's is a place where people discover that they are loved, both by the God that created them and by their Church community. Knowing that you are loved without condition can be healing. It can lead to experiencing forgiveness as well as being able to let go of our past. It can also be a place where we find our role and realise that our gifts are valued. You are welcome to visit, to worship and to make yourself at home.
SAFEGUARDING. Is someone hurting you? We care! Call our Parish Safeguarding Officer on 01603 438938. Full details of other contacts and our policies can be found HERE: Safeguarding
If you are not sure which service would suit you best, please speak to Rev Patrick
8 am Traditional language Holy Communion. A short more reflective service (8 am from Sunday 3rd September)
9.30am Holy Communion. This is our main service on a Sunday morning. The service hymns led by our choir, reflection on the bible and sharing the bread and wine. Everybody is welcome and we aim to be reverent and relaxed.
1st Sunday 9.30am All age Service of the word. We reflect together on a theme, using scripture, art, music, discussion and prayer.
Children's Church Each Sunday morning there is provision for children at the back of Church, which is shaped around the children who come and is very relaxed and informal. Wednesday 9.30am Holy communion. A relaxed service in which we discuss and reflect on the previous Sunday's readings
St Matthews launches it's chair appeal
St Matthews chairs are beginning to feel their age which is hardly surprising as they are moved during the week for our different groups every day of the week. Rev Patrick said " we have been asked whether we are a Church or a community centre and the answer is always both. We love all the groups we are able to offer, but it has led to our chairs finally wearing out and needing replacing." The new chairs will cost £110 each . for more information see the chair appeal page
We have raised £8'900 of the £9'200 we need so are very nearly there.
New home to open in Thorpe Hamlet
St Matthews will be working with Hope into Action this year to support refugees living in a new home in the Parish. Hope into Action link Churches and Investors by buying property to help people out of homelessness with befriending provided by the Church and professional support from the Charity. You can find out more about Hope into Action by clicking the link www.hopeintoaction.org.uk . We are hoping to open the new house to it's first residents after Easter and need to raise £2000 to furnish it, to make a donation please visit our giving page using the reference "hope".
The Diocese of Norwich is producing a newsletter you can subscribe to hitting the eNews button.
There are lots of ways of keeping in touch with St Matthews, you can email us your prayer requests, or your offers of help. If there are things you need we will try and match you up with someone who you know, who can help.