Thank you for finding your way to this page! St Matthews relies on the generosity of our members and friends to fund the work we do. You may wish to make a one off donation or organise your regular giving. Either way, thank you and the details are below.
One off gifts
The easiest way to make a one off gift is by bank transfer: Sort code. 20-62-68 account number 13303748 account name St Matthews Thorpe Hamlet PCC
Alternatively please send a cheque made out to St Matthews Thorpe Hamlet which can be sent to the Church:
St Matthew's Church, Telegraph Lane West Norwich NR1 4JL
If you wish to gift aid your donation please send an email to St Matthews Treasurer, including your name and address
Giving by standing order
This is set up by you with your bank and can be amended or cancelled at any time.
Our account details are:
Sort code. 20-62-68 account number 13303748 account name St Matthews Thorpe Hamlet