We will post study material from around the web on this page. If it is here it simply means it's interesting, rather than an endorsement that this is what we believe at St Matthews or this is what the Vicar thinks. The selection is varied and there should be something for everyone. Many thanks to Rev Keith James for his suggestions.
Living in love and faith
The website gives you access to videos and texts to explore the conversations the Church of England has been having regarding gender and sexuality
The first is a series about the bible, made up of 10 minute (or so) talks that are animated. It is very good at setting different parts of the bible into it's larger context and explains words and concepts you might not be familiar with.
The Jesuits are famous as Missionaries, academics and deep thinkers. Their founder, Ignatious of Loyola introduced spiritual exercises that engage our imagination and help us draw close to Christ. The first button is full of material to help you engage with your prayer life.
They also produce bible study, book reviews and articles to stretch the mind. Terry Pratchett once imagined a God who does not tell you what to think, he only asks that you think. Such a God would I expect be very happy to see you engaging with some of the material on the Pathways to God website.
Below are a selection of podcasts and videos from different traditions within the Church.The Centre for Contemplation and action have loads of podcasts that engage with spiritual questions and with action in the world.
Rob Bell is a video maker, speaker and author who wrote the book Love wins which caused huge controversy for evangelicals. He is rooted in scripture and an experience of the love of God. The Nooma series of films explore ideas that Christians have wrestled with.
Many Christians seem to hang onto their faith by their fingernails, still passionate about Jesus but often struggling with mainstream Church. Their ideas are often really interesting and some of them have ended up on Nomad Podcast.